J. Iran. Chem. Soc., Vol. 8, No. 3 September 2011, pp.616~621.

Current location: JICS Archive > Vol. 8 > No. 3 > Articles : 2

Cyanuric Chloride Catalysed Rapid Conversion of β-Ketoesters into β-Enaminoesters under Mild and Solvent-Free Conditions

V.T. Kamble*, N.S. Joshi and S.T. Atkore

Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory, School of Chemical Sciences, Swami Ramanand
Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded-431606, Maharashtra, India

Cyanuric chloride is shown to be an extremely efficient catalyst for the synthesis of β-enaminoesters from β-ketoesters under solvent-free conditions by grinding in a mortar with pestle at 25 °C. A short reaction time, an inexpensive and easily available catalyst, mild reaction conditions and excellent yields of the products are attractive features of this methodology.

Keywords: Amines, β-Enaminoesters, β-Ketoesters, Cyanuric chloride

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